Glass panels

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Al Nozom Architectural Aluminum and Glass Systems

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What makes your product unique?

Product features / quality Price

Type of clients:

Manufacturers Retailers Wholesaler Distributors End users

What other clients sectors wanted to reach?

want to export to North Africa

Sales Challenges

Market saturated with poorly imitated products with low quality

Packaging materials

Plastic Paper / Carton

Product packaging

cardboard packaging with plastic shrink wrap

Packaging done


Additional comments

Maximum production is 500m2/day and average weight of glass panel is 25kg/m2


It is used in banks, jewelry stores, gold or valuable goods such as a type of expensive fur and valuable exhibits. Museums and large and small gold shops. Laminated glass is characterized by having multiple layers of glass and resins, which are characterized by great strength and durability. Because the thickness of the glass is very large compared to ordinary glass, and it is characterized by the ability to vary the colors required during manufacturing, as well as transparency, and clarity of vision as well.


Glass panels and facades for storefronts, doors, desks, windows, etc.